About Course


Each course will describe the 10 step forgiveness process in detail, including providing a downloadable pdf file of the outline of the process, step by step. In addition each course will include a detailed explanation of the entire 10 step forgiveness process and demonstrations by either Sue or John of the entire process step by step.

In this course John will be using the 10 step forgiveness process, demonstrating how he used this process to finally forgive his Dad for issues, in their relationship, that had been unresolved since childhood. These issues were affecting John in his current relationship with Sue as well as other casual relationships.

The issues that John will demonstrate using the process on, include emotional abuse, betrayal by a parent, favoritism of another sibling and unfair treatment as a result of that favoritism. John healed other unresolved issues from childhood in addition to these that will be demonstrated. These were chosen for demonstration because of the negative impact these particular issues had in John's adult life.

It is our belief that these issues being demonstrated as having been resolved using the 10 step forgiveness process are issues that many people have also experienced in their childhood. We trust that these demonstrations will not only clearly demonstrate the process but will also provide encouragement that if these issues can be healed, so can other issues, you may have.

This course includes:
  • 1 hour plus on-demand video

  • Full lifetime access

  • Access on mobile and TV